artists are afraid of tackling the reality of biznass.
people are afraid of art.
things we dont know are scary.
but people will never change and grow if you dont each take steps forward
to learn about WHY things are the way they are.
artists-- you have to support eachother and educate those who dont know why what you make
is important.
people, you have to support artists, and ask questions when you feel like there is something you are not getting.
take responsibility to encourage discussion.
write a review.
start a dialog.
dont quitely mumble and grumble under your breath.
bad attitudes and facebook rants will get Nothing solved.
offer solutions.
be creative.
use your brain and talent to bring people together.
fight for the same things.
everyone wants to get paid to do what they love, they are good at, and are happy doing.
enjoying life---learning new things goes both ways.